Welcome to Ilwaco
Experience our unique coastal lifestyle.
Ilwaco is located on Baker Bay, at the mouth of the Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean – at the south end of the Long Beach Peninsula. Ilwaco features a thriving seafood and marine industry. The Port of Ilwaco produces some of the finest Dungeness Crab, salmon, and albacore tuna in the northwest!
Ilwaco’s boat basin is a major home port for commercial fishermen and charter boats. Sport fishing (salmon) seasons runs from May to October. The Port of Ilwaco’s boatyard is the only self-service boatyard on the lower Columbia, accommodating commercial fishing vessels and pleasure craft up to 50 tons. Ilwaco features historic homes, a thriving arts community, events, retail shopping and a Saturday Market on the waterfront, May through September.
Located at the mouth of the mighty Columbia River
Ilwaco is also home to the largest United States Coast Guard search and rescue station on the Northwest Coast, the area middle and high school, Ocean Beach Hospital and Medical Clinics, Timberland Library, and the Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum. Cape Disappointment State Park offers lighthouses, gorgeous beaches, and the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center. Ilwaco features a freshwater lake; Black Lake for trout and bass fishing. Hiking trails abound.

For more information on the City of Ilwaco, WA, visit: https://ilwaco-wa.gov
Information on Port of Ilwaco: https://www.portofilwaco.com/
Local Information, events: www.discoverilwaco.com
US Coast Guard Station: https://www.pacificarea.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/District-13/Units
Contact Ilwaco Merchants Association: ilwacomerchantsassociation@gmail.com
Information for visitors at: https://www.visitlongbeachpeninsula.com

Total Population

Median Household Income

Employment Rate

Total Housing Units

Total Households
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