Pacific County is a place where farmers grow hundreds of acres of fresh produce, graze cattle, raise shrubs, trees, herbs, and bees and create dozens of value-added products. Pacific County is famous for cranberry bogs, and hosts a growing craft beverage industry featuring local beers, wine and a distillery. Agricultural lands make up a small percentage of overall acreage in Pacific County due to environmental constraints. (7,406 acres).
Pacific County celebrates local produce with an annual cranberry festival, farmers markets and local CSA’s; community-supported agriculture arrangements to buy food that is grown or produced by local farms.
Approximately 10 percent of the county, including aquatic tidelands, is estimated to be in agricultural and shellfish production.
Major types of agricultural production include dairy, livestock (including hay and silage), cranberries, shellfish aquaculture, and upland crops including berries. The majority of upland agricultural activities are located within the Willapa River valley, along the Long Beach (North Beach) Peninsula, and in the Grayland area along the northern county shoreline. Aquaculture activities are located throughout Willapa Bay. Willapa Bay is the second largest aquaculture region in Washington state, primarily producing Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and Manila clams (Venerupis philippinarum).
Long Beach hosts the Washington State University Agriculture Extension Program that funds cranberry research and extension work on the West Coast of the United States and Canada, maintains a demonstration cranberry farm, produces cranberries to fund research and extension activities, and provides an educational facility for tourists, local citizens, and schools. A Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) helps Pacific County communities ensure healthy landscapes and strong farms for the future.
Agriculture Video
The Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) is a collaborative process that helps Washington communities ensure healthy landscapes and strong farms for the future. Counties work with local residents to develop a plan to manage growth., protect critical areas, and maintain viable agriculture. Pacific County is one of 27 counties in the State that has opted into the VSP. Pacific Conservation District is the lead entity in the implementation of the VSP in Pacific County.
Pacific County



Oysters & clams produced annually
50 million lbs.

Annual shellfish wholesale sales
$10 million

Annual cattle sales
$3 million

Annual milk product sales
$5 million

Annual cranberry production
$8 million
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