Broadband Working Group

Pacific County Broadband Working Group Public Meeting Recording – August 24, 2020
This video features updates on the two countywide broadband planning projects being led by the Port of Ilwaco and the Pacific County EDC. Grant funding for these projects has been made possible through the WA State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB), the Public Works Board, Pacific Council of Governments and the Port of Ilwaco. Recorded 8-24-2020.

Pacific County Broadband Working Group Public Meeting Recording – August 24, 2020
This video features updates on the two countywide broadband planning projects being led by the Port of Ilwaco and the Pacific County EDC. Grant funding for these projects has been made possible through the WA State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB), the Public Works Board, Pacific Council of Governments and the Port of Ilwaco. Recorded 8-24-2020.
A Broadband Working Group

A “Broadband Working Group” was established in early 2019 by members of Pacific County administration; Public Utility District #2; Pacific County Economic Development Council; Shoalwater Bay Tribe; the Ports of Ilwaco, Peninsula, Willapa Harbor, and Chinook; and the cities of Ilwaco, Long Beach, Raymond, and South Bend.
Collectively, this group is championing expansion of
industry-best speed, reliability, and resilience of broadband access throughout Pacific County at urban-competitive rates to businesses, consumers, and public benefit institutions (e.g. hospitals, schools, governments, etc).
We are currently in the planning/assessment stage of this project thanks to a grant from the Community Economic & Revitalization Board (CERB) through Washington State Department of Commerce.
These funds are being used to the facilitation of assessment and mapping of existing broadband capacity. These assessments will be used to identify gaps in coverage, current access providers, and possible alternatives for new construction or expansion of networks.
For questions or information please email Susan Yirku, and follow our progress on our Facebook Page.

Participate in the Washington Statewide Broadband survey that is mapping access to all parts of the state
Washington State Broadband Access and Speed Survey
The Washington State Broadband Office mapping initiative will help identify
gaps in high-speed internet service and areas of broadband infrastructure needs in order to advance the state’s goal to have universal broadband access in Washington by 2024.
Welcome to Washington State crowd-sourced broadband project.
Pacific County invites you to take the Speed Test Survey. Together, we can collect data about your broadband speed and create a map for your
community that will help your community in efforts to get grants and other
support to improve broadband for your community.
Note: Please make sure that no one in your household is streaming videos or gaming while you take this test. If you are using a VPN to connect to work, please turn it off during this test. Thank you!